Forward-only Backend

Forward-only Backend#

An efficient backend when the components in circuit have low back-reflection. In this case, only forward-direction matrix multiplication is calculated to reduce computational cost for complicated circuit. The improvement compared to other backends (‘klu’ for example) is demonstrated with an example of cascaded AMZI structure.

This notebook as well as the forward-only backend itself was contributed by zhetaoj.

import sax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Define waveguide and directional coupler components

def waveguide(wl=1.55, wl0=1.55, neff=2.34, ng=3.4, length=10.0, loss=0.0) -> sax.SDict:
    dwl = wl - wl0
    dneff_dwl = (ng - neff) / wl0
    neff = neff - dwl * dneff_dwl
    phase = 2 * jnp.pi * neff * length / wl
    transmission = 10 ** (-loss * length / 20) * jnp.exp(1j * phase)
    sdict = sax.reciprocal(
            ("in0", "out0"): transmission,
    return sdict

def coupler(coupling=0.5) -> sax.SDict:
    kappa = coupling**0.5
    tau = (1 - coupling) ** 0.5
    coupler_dict = sax.reciprocal(
            ("in0", "out0"): tau,
            ("in0", "out1"): 1j * kappa,
            ("in1", "out0"): 1j * kappa,
            ("in1", "out1"): tau,
    return coupler_dict

Create a cascaded AMZI structure with n identical AMZIs, with the next AMZI is connected to the “cross” port of the previous one.

def cascaded_amzi_generator(n, backend="klu"):
    netlist = {
        "instances": {},
        "connections": {},
        "ports": {},

    models = {
        "coupler": coupler,
        "waveguide": waveguide,

    # Build the netlist
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        # Define instance names
        left_name = f"left_{i}"
        right_name = f"right_{i}"
        top_name = f"top_{i}"
        btm_name = f"btm_{i}"

        # Add instances
        netlist["instances"][left_name] = "coupler"
        netlist["instances"][right_name] = "coupler"
        netlist["instances"][top_name] = "waveguide"
        netlist["instances"][btm_name] = "waveguide"

        # Internal connections within AMZI i
        netlist["connections"][f"{left_name},out0"] = f"{btm_name},in0"
        netlist["connections"][f"{btm_name},out0"] = f"{right_name},in0"

        netlist["connections"][f"{left_name},out1"] = f"{top_name},in0"
        netlist["connections"][f"{top_name},out0"] = f"{right_name},in1"

        if i > 1:
            # Connections between AMZIs via the cross port
            prev_right_name = f"right_{i - 1}"
            netlist["connections"][f"{prev_right_name},out0"] = f"{left_name},in1"
            netlist["connections"][f"{prev_right_name},out1"] = f"{left_name},in0"

    # Define external ports
    netlist["ports"]["in0"] = "left_1,in0"
    netlist["ports"]["in1"] = "left_1,in1"
    netlist["ports"]["out0"] = f"right_{n},out0"
    netlist["ports"]["out1"] = f"right_{n},out1"

    # Create the circuit
    mzi_ideal, info = sax.circuit(netlist=netlist, models=models, backend=backend)
    return mzi_ideal, info

Consider a case with 20 cascaded AMZIs

wavelengths = np.linspace(1.500, 1.600, 100_000)
n = 10
params = {"wl": wavelengths}
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    params[f"left_{i}"] = {"coupling": 0.5}
    params[f"right_{i}"] = {"coupling": 0.5}
    params[f"top_{i}"] = {"length": 50}
    params[f"btm_{i}"] = {"length": 0}

Run simulation with ‘klu’ backend and ‘forward-only’ backend

mzi_ideal, info = cascaded_amzi_generator(n, backend="klu")
S = mzi_ideal(**params)
transmissions_klu = 10 * jnp.log10(jnp.abs(S["in0", "out1"]) ** 2)
CPU times: user 4.79 s, sys: 1.72 s, total: 6.5 s
Wall time: 6.42 s
mzi_ideal, info = cascaded_amzi_generator(n, backend="forward")
S = mzi_ideal(**params)
transmissions_forward = 10 * jnp.log10(jnp.abs(S["in0", "out1"]) ** 2)
CPU times: user 435 ms, sys: 172 ms, total: 607 ms
Wall time: 598 ms

As the circuit becomes more complex, the forward-only backend experiences a more significant speed-up, and the results remain accurate as long as there is no backreflection.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))

plt.plot(wavelengths, transmissions_klu, label="klu")
plt.plot(wavelengths, transmissions_forward, "--", label="forward")

plt.xlim(1.53, 1.57)
plt.xlabel("wavelength (um)")
plt.ylabel("transmission (dB)")