sax.saxtypes module#
SAX Types and type coercions
- IntArray1D#
One dimensional integer array
- FloatArray1D#
One dimensional float array
- ComplexArray1D#
One dimensional complex array
- IntArrayND#
N-dimensional integer array
- FloatArrayND#
N-dimensional float array
- ComplexArrayND#
N-dimensional complex array
- PortMap#
A mapping from a port name (str) to a port index (int)
alias of
- PortCombination#
A combination of two port names (str, str)
alias of
- SDict#
A mapping from a port combination to an S-parameter or an array of S-parameters
sdict: sax.SDict = { ("in0", "out0"): 3.0, }
alias of
- SDense#
A dense S-matrix (2D array) or multidimensional batched S-matrix (N+2)-D array combined with a port map. If (N+2)-D array the S-matrix dimensions are the last two.
Sd = jnp.arange(9, dtype=float).reshape(3, 3) port_map = {"in0": 0, "in1": 2, "out0": 1} sdense = Sd, port_map
alias of
- SCoo#
A sparse S-matrix in COO format (recommended for internal library use only)
An SCoo is a sparse matrix based representation of an S-matrix consisting of three arrays and a port map. The three arrays represent the input port indices [int], output port indices [int] and the S-matrix values [ComplexFloat] of the sparse matrix. The port map maps a port name [str] to a port index [int]. Only these four arrays together and in this specific order are considered a valid SCoo representation!
Si = jnp.arange(3, dtype=int) Sj = jnp.array([0, 1, 0], dtype=int) Sx = jnp.array([3.0, 4.0, 1.0]) port_map = {"in0": 0, "in1": 2, "out0": 1} scoo: sax.SCoo = (Si, Sj, Sx, port_map)
alias of
[Int[Array, 'dim']
,Int[Array, 'dim']
- Settings#
A (possibly recursive) mapping from a setting name to a float or complex value or array
mzi_settings: sax.Settings = { "wl": 1.5, # global settings "lft": {"coupling": 0.5}, # settings for the left coupler "top": {"neff": 3.4}, # settings for the top waveguide "rgt": {"coupling": 0.3}, # settings for the right coupler }
alias of
- SType#
An SDict, SDense or SCOO
alias of
[Int[Array, 'dim']
,Int[Array, 'dim']
- Model#
A keyword-only function producing an SType
alias of
[Int[Array, 'dim']
,Int[Array, 'dim']
- ModelFactory#
A keyword-only function producing a Model
alias of
[Int[Array, 'dim']
,Int[Array, 'dim']
- is_complex_float(x)[source]#
check if an object is either a ComplexFloat or a Float
- Parameters:
x (Any) –
- Return type:
- is_sdict(x)[source]#
check if an object is an SDict (a SAX S-dictionary)
- Parameters:
x (Any) –
- Return type:
- is_scoo(x)[source]#
check if an object is an SCoo (a SAX sparse S representation in COO-format)
- Parameters:
x (Any) –
- Return type:
- is_sdense(x)[source]#
check if an object is an SDense (a SAX dense S-matrix representation)
- Parameters:
x (Any) –
- Return type:
- is_model(model)[source]#
check if a callable is a Model (a callable returning an SType)
- Parameters:
model (Any) –
- Return type:
- is_model_factory(model)[source]#
check if a callable is a model function.
- Parameters:
model (Any) –
- Return type:
- is_stype(stype)[source]#
check if an object is an SDict, SCoo or SDense
- Parameters:
stype (Any) –
- Return type: