Source code for sax.utils

""" SAX General Utilities """

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import re
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache, partial, wraps
from hashlib import md5
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Tuple, Union, cast, overload

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy as jsp
import jax.scipy.linalg
import numpy as np
import orjson
from natsort import natsorted

from .saxtypes import (

[docs]def block_diag(*arrs: ComplexArrayND) -> ComplexArrayND: """create block diagonal matrix with arbitrary batch dimensions""" batch_shape = arrs[0].shape[:-2] N = 0 for arr in arrs: if batch_shape != arr.shape[:-2]: raise ValueError("batch dimensions for given arrays don't match.") m, n = arr.shape[-2:] if m != n: raise ValueError("given arrays are not square.") N += n arrs = tuple(arr.reshape(-1, arr.shape[-2], arr.shape[-1]) for arr in arrs) batch_block_diag = jax.vmap(jsp.linalg.block_diag, in_axes=0, out_axes=0) block_diag = batch_block_diag(*arrs) return block_diag.reshape(*batch_shape, N, N)
[docs]def clean_string(s: str, dot="p", minus="m", other="_") -> str: """clean a string such that it is a valid python identifier""" original = s s = s.strip() s = s.replace(".", dot) # dot s = s.replace("-", minus) # minus s = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]", other, s) if s[0] in "0123456789": s = "_" + s if s != original: warnings.warn( f"modified string {original} in an attempt " f"to make valid python identifier: {s}" ) if not s.isidentifier(): raise ValueError(f"failed to clean string to a valid python identifier: {s}") return s
[docs]def copy_settings(settings: Settings) -> Settings: """copy a parameter dictionary""" return validate_settings(settings) # validation also copies
[docs]def validate_settings(settings: Settings) -> Settings: """Validate a parameter dictionary""" _settings = {} for k, v in settings.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): _settings[k] = validate_settings(v) else: _settings[k] = try_complex_float(v) return _settings
[docs]def try_complex_float(f: Any) -> Any: """try converting an object to float, return unchanged object on fail""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings(action="error", category=jnp.ComplexWarning) try: return jnp.asarray(f, dtype=float) except jnp.ComplexWarning: # type: ignore return jnp.asarray(f, dtype=complex) except (ValueError, TypeError): return f finally: return f
[docs]def flatten_dict(dic: Dict[str, Any], sep: str = ",") -> Dict[str, Any]: """flatten a nested dictionary""" return _flatten_dict(dic, sep=sep)
def _flatten_dict( dic: Dict[str, Any], sep: str = ",", frozen: bool = False, parent_key: str = "" ) -> Dict[str, Any]: items = [] for k, v in dic.items(): new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, dict): items.extend( _flatten_dict(v, sep=sep, frozen=frozen, parent_key=new_key).items() ) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)
[docs]def unflatten_dict(dic, sep=","): """unflatten a flattened dictionary""" # from: items = dict() for k, v in dic.items(): keys = k.split(sep) sub_items = items for ki in keys[:-1]: if ki in sub_items: sub_items = sub_items[ki] else: sub_items[ki] = dict() sub_items = sub_items[ki] sub_items[keys[-1]] = v return items
[docs]def get_ports(S: Union[Model, SType]) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """get port names of a model or an stype .. note :: if a `Model` function is given in stead of an `SDict`, the function will be traced by JAX to obtain the port combinations of the resulting `SType`. Although this tracing of the function is 'cheap' in comparison to evaluating the model/circuit. It is not for free! Use this function sparingly on your large `Model` or `circuit`! """ if is_model(S): return _get_ports_from_model(cast(Model, S)) elif is_sdict(S): S = cast(SDict, S) ports_set = {p1 for p1, _ in S} | {p2 for _, p2 in S} return tuple(natsorted(ports_set)) elif is_scoo(S) or is_sdense(S): S = cast(SDense, S) *_, ports_map = S return tuple(natsorted(ports_map.keys())) else: raise ValueError("Could not extract ports for given S")
@lru_cache(maxsize=4096) # cache to prevent future tracing def _get_ports_from_model(model: Model) -> Tuple[str, ...]: # S: SType = jax.eval_shape(model) return get_ports(model()) # FIXME: this might be slow!
[docs]def get_port_combinations(S: Union[Model, SType]) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]: """get port combinations of a model or an stype""" if is_model(S): S = cast(Model, S) return _get_port_combinations_from_model(S) elif is_sdict(S): S = cast(SDict, S) return tuple(S.keys()) elif is_scoo(S): Si, Sj, _, pm = cast(SCoo, S) rpm = {int(i): str(p) for p, i in pm.items()} return tuple(natsorted((rpm[int(i)], rpm[int(j)]) for i, j in zip(Si, Sj))) elif is_sdense(S): _, pm = cast(SDense, S) return tuple(natsorted((p1, p2) for p1 in pm for p2 in pm)) else: raise ValueError("Could not extract ports for given S")
@lru_cache(maxsize=4096) # cache to prevent future tracing def _get_port_combinations_from_model(model: Model) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]: S: SType = jax.eval_shape(model) return get_port_combinations(S)
[docs]def get_settings(model: Union[Model, ModelFactory]) -> Settings: """Get the parameters of a SAX model function""" signature = inspect.signature(model) settings: Settings = { k: (v.default if not isinstance(v, dict) else v) for k, v in signature.parameters.items() if v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty } # make sure an inplace operation of resulting dict does not change the # circuit parameters themselves return copy_settings(settings)
[docs]def grouped_interp( wl: FloatArrayND, wls: FloatArrayND, phis: FloatArrayND ) -> FloatArrayND: """Grouped phase interpolation .. note :: Grouped interpolation is useful to interpolate phase values where each datapoint is doubled (very close together) to give an indication of the phase variation at that point. .. warning :: this interpolation is only accurate in the range `[wls[0], wls[-2])` (`wls[-2]` not included). Any extrapolation outside these bounds can yield unexpected results! .. plot :: import sax import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt wls = np.array([2.19999, 2.20001, 2.22499, 2.22501, 2.24999, 2.25001, 2.27499, 2.27501, 2.29999, 2.30001, 2.32499, 2.32501, 2.34999, 2.35001, 2.37499, 2.37501, 2.39999, 2.40001, 2.42499, 2.42501, 2.44999, 2.45001]) phis = np.array([5.17317336, 5.1219654, 4.71259842, 4.66252492, 5.65699608, 5.60817922, 2.03697377, 1.98936119, 6.010146, 5.96358061, 4.96336733, 4.91777933, 5.13912198, 5.09451137, 0.22347545, 0.17979684, 2.74501894, 2.70224092, 0.10403192, 0.06214664, 4.83328794, 4.79225525]) wl = np.linspace(wls.min(), wls.max(), 10000) phi = np.array(sax.grouped_interp(wl, wls, phis)) _, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(14, 6))[0]) plt.plot(1e3*wls, np.arange(wls.shape[0]), marker="o", ls="none") plt.grid(True) plt.ylabel("index")[1]) plt.grid(True) plt.plot(1e3*wls, phis, marker="o", c="C1") plt.plot(1e3*wl, phi, c="C2") plt.xlabel("λ [nm]") plt.ylabel("φ") """ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, None, None), out_axes=0) @jax.jit def _grouped_interp( wl: float, # 0D array (not-vmapped) ; 1D array (vmapped) wls: FloatArrayND, # 1D array phis: FloatArrayND, # 1D array ) -> FloatArrayND: dphi_dwl = (phis[1::2] - phis[::2]) / (wls[1::2] - wls[::2]) phis = phis[::2] wls = wls[::2] dwl = (wls[1:] - wls[:-1]).mean(0, keepdims=True) t = (wl - wls + 1e-5 * dwl) / dwl # small offset to ensure no values are zero t = jnp.where(jnp.abs(t) < 1, t, 0) m0 = jnp.where(t > 0, size=1)[0] m1 = jnp.where(t < 0, size=1)[0] t = t[m0] wl0 = wls[m0] wl1 = wls[m1] phi0 = phis[m0] phi1 = phis[m1] dphi_dwl0 = dphi_dwl[m0] dphi_dwl1 = dphi_dwl[m1] _phi0 = phi0 - 0.5 * (wl1 - wl0) * ( dphi_dwl0 * (t**2 - 2 * t) - dphi_dwl1 * t**2 ) _phi1 = phi1 - 0.5 * (wl1 - wl0) * ( dphi_dwl0 * (t - 1) ** 2 - dphi_dwl1 * (t**2 - 1) ) phis = jnp.arctan2( (1 - t) * jnp.sin(_phi0) + t * jnp.sin(_phi1), (1 - t) * jnp.cos(_phi0) + t * jnp.cos(_phi1), ) return phis wl = jnp.asarray(wl) wls = jnp.asarray(wls) phis = jnp.asarray(phis) % (2 * jnp.pi) phis = jnp.where(phis > jnp.pi, phis - 2 * jnp.pi, phis) if not wls.ndim == 1: raise ValueError("grouped_interp: wls should be a 1D array") if not phis.ndim == 1: raise ValueError("grouped_interp: wls should be a 1D array") if not wls.shape == phis.shape: raise ValueError("grouped_interp: wls and phis shape does not match") return _grouped_interp(wl.reshape(-1), wls, phis).reshape(*wl.shape)
[docs]def merge_dicts(*dicts: Dict) -> Dict: """merge (possibly deeply nested) dictionaries""" if len(dicts) == 1: return dict(_generate_merged_dict(dicts[0], {})) elif len(dicts) == 2: return dict(_generate_merged_dict(dicts[0], dicts[1])) else: return merge_dicts(dicts[0], merge_dicts(*dicts[1:]))
def _generate_merged_dict(dict1: Dict, dict2: Dict) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, Any]]: # inspired by keys = { **{k: None for k in dict1}, **{k: None for k in dict2}, } # keep key order, values irrelevant for k in keys: if k in dict1 and k in dict2: v1, v2 = dict1[k], dict2[k] if isinstance(v1, dict) and isinstance(v2, dict): v = dict(_generate_merged_dict(v1, v2)) else: # If one of the values is not a dict, you can't continue merging it. # Value from second dict overrides one in first and we move on. v = v2 elif k in dict1: v = dict1[k] else: # k in dict2: v = dict2[k] if isinstance(v, dict): yield (k, {**v}) # shallow copy of dict else: yield (k, v)
[docs]def mode_combinations( modes: Iterable[str], cross: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...]: """create mode combinations for a collection of given modes""" if cross: mode_combinations = natsorted((m1, m2) for m1 in modes for m2 in modes) else: mode_combinations = natsorted((m, m) for m in modes) return tuple(mode_combinations)
[docs]def reciprocal(sdict: SDict) -> SDict: """Make an SDict reciprocal""" if is_sdict(sdict): return { **{(p1, p2): v for (p1, p2), v in sdict.items()}, **{(p2, p1): v for (p1, p2), v in sdict.items()}, } else: raise ValueError("sax.reciprocal is only valid for SDict types")
@overload def rename_params(model: ModelFactory, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> ModelFactory: ... @overload def rename_params(model: Model, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> Model: ...
[docs]def rename_params( model: Union[Model, ModelFactory], renamings: Dict[str, str] ) -> Union[Model, ModelFactory]: """rename the parameters of a `Model` or `ModelFactory` given a renamings mapping old parameter names to new.""" reversed_renamings = {v: k for k, v in renamings.items()} if len(reversed_renamings) < len(renamings): raise ValueError("Multiple old names point to the same new name!") if is_model_factory(model): old_model_factory = cast(ModelFactory, model) old_settings = get_settings(model) @wraps(old_model_factory) def new_model_factory(**settings): old_settings = { reversed_renamings.get(k, k): v for k, v in settings.items() } model = old_model_factory(**old_settings) return rename_params(model, renamings) new_settings = {renamings.get(k, k): v for k, v in old_settings.items()} _replace_kwargs(new_model_factory, **new_settings) return new_model_factory elif is_model(model): old_model = cast(Model, model) old_settings = get_settings(model) @wraps(old_model) def new_model(**settings): old_settings = { reversed_renamings.get(k, k): v for k, v in settings.items() } return old_model(**old_settings) new_settings = {renamings.get(k, k): v for k, v in old_settings.items()} _replace_kwargs(new_model, **new_settings) return new_model else: raise ValueError( "rename_params should be used to decorate a Model or ModelFactory." )
def _replace_kwargs(func: Callable, **kwargs: Any): """Change the kwargs signature of a function""" sig = inspect.signature(func) settings = [ inspect.Parameter(k, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=v) for k, v in kwargs.items() ] func.__signature__ = sig.replace(parameters=settings) @overload def rename_ports(S: SDict, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> SDict: ... @overload def rename_ports(S: SCoo, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> SCoo: ... @overload def rename_ports(S: SDense, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> SDense: ... @overload def rename_ports(S: Model, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> Model: ... @overload def rename_ports(S: ModelFactory, renamings: Dict[str, str]) -> ModelFactory: ...
[docs]def rename_ports( S: Union[SType, Model, ModelFactory], renamings: Dict[str, str] ) -> Union[SType, Model, ModelFactory]: """rename the ports of an `SDict`, `Model` or `ModelFactory` given a renamings mapping old port names to new.""" if is_scoo(S): Si, Sj, Sx, ports_map = cast(SCoo, S) ports_map = {renamings[p]: i for p, i in ports_map.items()} return Si, Sj, Sx, ports_map elif is_sdense(S): Sx, ports_map = cast(SDense, S) ports_map = {renamings[p]: i for p, i in ports_map.items()} return Sx, ports_map elif is_sdict(S): sdict = cast(SDict, S) original_ports = get_ports(sdict) assert len(renamings) == len(original_ports) return {(renamings[p1], renamings[p2]): v for (p1, p2), v in sdict.items()} elif is_model(S): old_model = cast(Model, S) @wraps(old_model) def new_model(**settings) -> SType: return rename_ports(old_model(**settings), renamings) return new_model elif is_model_factory(S): old_model_factory = cast(ModelFactory, S) @wraps(old_model_factory) def new_model_factory(**settings) -> Callable[..., SType]: return rename_ports(old_model_factory(**settings), renamings) return new_model_factory else: raise ValueError("Cannot rename ports for type {type(S)}")
[docs]def update_settings(settings: Settings, *compnames: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Settings: """update a nested settings dictionary .. note :: 1. Even though it's possible to update parameter dictionaries in place, this function is convenient to apply certain parameters (e.g. wavelength 'wl' or temperature 'T') globally. 2. This operation never updates the given settings dictionary inplace. 3. Any non-float keyword arguments will be silently ignored. """ _settings = {} if not compnames: for k, v in settings.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): _settings[k] = update_settings(v, **kwargs) else: if k in kwargs: _settings[k] = try_complex_float(kwargs[k]) else: _settings[k] = try_complex_float(v) else: for k, v in settings.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): if k == compnames[0]: _settings[k] = update_settings(v, *compnames[1:], **kwargs) else: _settings[k] = v else: _settings[k] = try_complex_float(v) return _settings
[docs]def validate_not_mixedmode(S: SType): """validate that an stype is not 'mixed mode' (i.e. invalid) Args: S: the stype to validate """ if is_mixedmode(S): # mixed mode raise ValueError( "Given SType is neither multimode or singlemode. Please check the port " "names: they should either ALL contain the '@' separator (multimode) " "or NONE should contain the '@' separator (singlemode)." )
[docs]def validate_multimode(S: SType, modes=("te", "tm")) -> None: """validate that an stype is multimode and that the given modes are present.""" try: current_modes = set(p.split("@")[1] for p in get_ports(S)) except IndexError: raise ValueError("The given stype is not multimode.") for mode in modes: if mode not in current_modes: raise ValueError( f"Could not find mode '{mode}' in one of the multimode models." )
[docs]def validate_sdict(sdict: Any) -> None: """Validate an `SDict`""" if not isinstance(sdict, dict): raise ValueError("An SDict should be a dictionary.") for ports in sdict: if not isinstance(ports, tuple) and not len(ports) == 2: raise ValueError(f"SDict keys should be length-2 tuples. Got {ports}") p1, p2 = ports if not isinstance(p1, str) or not isinstance(p2, str): raise ValueError( f"SDict ports should be strings. Got {ports} " f"({type(ports[0])}, {type(ports[1])})" )
[docs]def get_inputs_outputs(ports: Tuple[str, ...]): inputs = tuple(p for p in ports if p.lower().startswith("in")) outputs = tuple(p for p in ports if not p.lower().startswith("in")) if not inputs: inputs = tuple(p for p in ports if not p.lower().startswith("out")) outputs = tuple(p for p in ports if p.lower().startswith("out")) return inputs, outputs
[docs]def hash_dict(dic: Dict) -> int: return int( md5( orjson.dumps( _numpyfy(dic), option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY | orjson.OPT_SORT_KEYS ) ).hexdigest(), 16, )
def _numpyfy(obj: Any): if not isinstance(obj, dict): return np.asarray(obj) else: return {k: _numpyfy(v) for k, v in obj.items()}