Source code for sax.backends.additive

""" SAX Additive Backend """

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import jax.numpy as jnp
import networkx as nx

from ..netlist import Component
from ..saxtypes import Model, SDict, sdict

[docs]def analyze_instances_additive( instances: Dict[str, Component], models: Dict[str, Model], ) -> Dict[str, SDict]: instances, instances_old = {}, instances for k, v in instances_old.items(): if not isinstance(v, Component): v = Component(**v) instances[k] = v model_names = set() for i in instances.values(): if and "model" in and isinstance(["model"], str): model_names.add(str(["model"])) else: model_names.add(str(i.component)) dummy_models = {k: sdict(models[k]()) for k in model_names} dummy_instances = {} for k, i in instances.items(): if and "model" in and isinstance(["model"], str): dummy_instances[k] = dummy_models[str(["model"])] else: dummy_instances[k] = dummy_models[str(i.component)] return dummy_instances
[docs]def analyze_circuit_additive( analyzed_instances: Dict[str, SDict], connections: Dict[str, str], ports: Dict[str, str], ) -> Any: return connections, ports
[docs]def evaluate_circuit_additive( analyzed: Any, instances: Dict[str, SDict], ) -> SDict: """evaluate a circuit for the given sdicts.""" connections, ports = analyzed edges = _graph_edges(instances, connections, ports) graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_edges_from(edges) _prune_internal_output_nodes(graph) sdict = {} for source in ports: for target in ports: paths = _get_possible_paths(graph, source=("", source), target=("", target)) if not paths: continue sdict[source, target] = _path_lengths(graph, paths) return sdict
def _split_port(port: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: try: instance, port = port.split(",") except ValueError: (port,) = port.split(",") instance = "" return instance, port def _graph_edges( instances: Dict[str, SDict], connections: Dict[str, str], ports: Dict[str, str], ): zero = jnp.array([0.0], dtype=float) edges = {} edges.update({_split_port(k): _split_port(v) for k, v in connections.items()}) edges.update({_split_port(v): _split_port(k) for k, v in connections.items()}) edges.update({_split_port(k): _split_port(v) for k, v in ports.items()}) edges.update({_split_port(v): _split_port(k) for k, v in ports.items()}) edges = [(n1, n2, {"type": "C", "length": zero}) for n1, n2 in edges.items()] _instances = { **{i1: None for (i1, _), (_, _), _ in edges}, **{i2: None for (_, _), (i2, _), _ in edges}, } if "" in _instances: del _instances[""] # external ports don't belong to an instance for instance in _instances: s = instances[instance] edges += [ ( (instance, p1), (instance, p2), {"type": "S", "length": jnp.asarray(length, dtype=float).ravel()}, ) for (p1, p2), length in sdict(s).items() ] return edges def _prune_internal_output_nodes(graph): broken = True while broken: broken = False for (i, p), dic in list(graph.adjacency()): if ( i != "" and len(dic) == 2 and all(prop.get("type", "C") == "C" for prop in dic.values()) ): graph.remove_node((i, p)) graph.add_edge(*dic.keys(), type="C", length=0.0) broken = True break return graph def _get_possible_paths(graph, source, target): paths = [] default_props = {"type": "C", "length": 0.0} for path in nx.all_simple_edge_paths(graph, source, target): prevtype = "C" for n1, n2 in path: curtype = graph.get_edge_data(n1, n2, default_props)["type"] if curtype == prevtype == "S": break else: prevtype = curtype else: paths.append(path) return paths def _path_lengths(graph, paths): lengths = [] for path in paths: length = zero = jnp.array([0.0], dtype=float) default_edge_data = {"type": "C", "length": zero} for edge in path: edge_data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge, default_edge_data) length = (length[None, :] + edge_data.get("length", zero)[:, None]).ravel() lengths.append(length) return lengths