Source code for meow.structures

""" a Structure is a combination of a Geometry with a material (and an optional mesh order) """

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, overload

import numpy as np
from pydantic.v1 import Field

from .base_model import BaseModel
from .geometries import Geometry2D, Geometry3D
from .materials import Material


[docs]def Structure( *, material: Material, geometry: Union[Geometry2D, Geometry3D], mesh_order: int = DEFAULT_MESH_ORDER, ): kwargs = { "material": material, "geometry": geometry, "mesh_order": mesh_order, } if isinstance(geometry, Geometry2D): return Structure2D(**kwargs) else: return Structure3D(**kwargs)
[docs]class Structure2D(BaseModel): """a `Structure2D` is an association between a `Geometry2D` and a `Material`""" material: Material = Field(description="the material of the structure") geometry: Geometry2D = Field(description="the geometry of the structure") mesh_order: int = Field( default=DEFAULT_MESH_ORDER, description="the mesh order of the structure" ) def _visualize(self): color = self.material.meta.get("color", None) return self.geometry._visualize(color=color)
[docs]class Structure3D(BaseModel): """a `Structure3D` is an association between a `Geometry3D` and a `Material`""" material: Material = Field(description="the material of the structure") geometry: Geometry3D = Field(description="the geometry of the structure") mesh_order: int = Field( default=DEFAULT_MESH_ORDER, description="the mesh order of the structure" ) def _project(self, z) -> List[Structure2D]: geometry_2d = self.geometry._project(z) structs = [] for geom in geometry_2d: struct = Structure2D( material=self.material, geometry=geom, mesh_order=self.mesh_order, ) structs.append(struct) return structs def _lumadd(self, sim, env, unit=1e-6, xyz="yzx"): material_name = self.material._lumadd(sim, env, unit) self.geometry._lumadd(sim, material_name, self.mesh_order, unit, xyz) def _trimesh(self, color=None, scale=None): return self.geometry._trimesh( color=(color or self.material.meta.get("color")), scale=scale, ) def _visualize(self, scale=None): return self._trimesh(scale=scale).show()
def _visualize_structures(structures: List[Structure3D], scale=None): """easily visualize a collection (list) of `Structure3D` objects""" from trimesh.scene import Scene # fmt: skip from trimesh.transformations import rotation_matrix # fmt: skip scene = Scene( geometry=[s._trimesh(scale=scale) for s in _sort_structures(structures)] ) scene.apply_transform(rotation_matrix(np.pi - np.pi / 6, (0, 1, 0))) return @overload def _sort_structures(structures: List[Structure3D]) -> List[Structure3D]: ... @overload def _sort_structures(structures: List[Structure2D]) -> List[Structure2D]: ... def _sort_structures( structures: Union[List[Structure3D], List[Structure2D]] ) -> Union[List[Structure2D], List[Structure3D]]: struct_info = [(s.mesh_order, -i, s) for i, s in enumerate(structures)] sorted_struct_info = sorted(struct_info, key=lambda I: (I[0], I[1]), reverse=True) return [s for _, _, s in sorted_struct_info] # type: ignore @overload def _classify_structures_by_mesh_order_and_material( structures: List[Structure3D], materials: Dict[Material, int] ) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Structure3D]]: ... @overload def _classify_structures_by_mesh_order_and_material( structures: List[Structure2D], materials: Dict[Material, int] ) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Structure2D]]: ... def _classify_structures_by_mesh_order_and_material( structures: Union[List[Structure3D], List[Structure2D]], materials: Dict[Material, int], ) -> Union[ Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Structure2D]], Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Structure3D]] ]: structures = _sort_structures(structures) structures_dict = {} for structure in structures: mo = structure.mesh_order mat = materials[structure.material] if (mo, mat) not in structures_dict: structures_dict[mo, mat] = [] structures_dict[mo, mat].append(structure) return structures_dict