Source code for meow.gds_structures

""" GDS Extrusions """

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry as sg
from pydantic.v1 import Field

from .base_model import BaseModel
from .geometries import Prism
from .materials import Material
from .structures import Structure3D

# TODO: Maybe it makes more sense to use native GDSFactory tooling for this

[docs]class GdsExtrusionRule(BaseModel): """a `GdsExtrusionRule` describes a single extrusion rule. Multiple of such rules can later be associated with a gds layer tuple.""" material: Material = Field(description="the material of the extrusion") h_min: float = Field(description="the extrusion starting height") h_max: float = Field(description="the extrusion ending height") buffer: float = Field( default=0.0, description="an extra buffer (=grow or shrink) operation applied to the polygon", ) mesh_order: int = Field( default=5.0, description="the mesh order of the resulting `Structure3D`" ) def __call__(self, poly) -> Structure3D: if self.buffer > 0: try: poly = np.asarray(sg.Polygon(poly).buffer(self.buffer).boundary.coords) except NotImplementedError: import gdspy # fmt: skip polygonset = gdspy.offset(gdspy.Polygon(poly), 0.25) assert polygonset is not None poly = polygonset.polygons[0] return Structure3D( material=self.material, geometry=Prism( poly=poly, h_min=self.h_min, h_max=self.h_max, axis="y", ), mesh_order=self.mesh_order, )
[docs]def extrude_gds( cell, # type: ignore extrusions: Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[GdsExtrusionRule]], ): """extrude a gds cell given a dictionary of extruson rules Args: cell: a gdspy or gdstk Cell to extrude extrusions: the extrusion rules to use (if not given, the example extrusions will be used.) """ structs = [] for layer, polys in cell.get_polygons(by_spec=True, depth=None).items(): for poly in polys: if layer not in extrusions: continue structs.extend(extrusion(poly) for extrusion in extrusions[layer]) return structs