Source code for meow.cell

""" an EME Cell """

import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
from pydantic.v1 import Field
from scipy.ndimage import convolve

from .base_model import BaseModel, _array, cached_property
from .materials import Material
from .mesh import Mesh2D
from .structures import (

[docs]class Cell(BaseModel): """A Cell defines an interval in z (the direction of propagation) within the simulation domain. The intersecting Structure3Ds are discretized by a given mesh at the center of the Cell""" structures: List[Structure3D] = Field( description="the 3D structures which will be sliced by the cell" ) mesh: Mesh2D = Field(description="the mesh to discretize the structures with") z_min: float = Field(description="the starting z-coordinate of the cell") z_max: float = Field(description="the ending z-coordinate of the cell") @property def z(self): return 0.5 * (self.z_min + self.z_max) @property def length(self): return np.abs(self.z_max - self.z_min) @cached_property def materials(self): materials = {} for i, structure in enumerate(_sort_structures(self.structures), start=1): if not structure.material in materials: materials[structure.material] = i return materials @cached_property def structures_2d(self) -> List[Structure2D]: z = 0.5 * (self.z_min + self.z_max) list_of_list = [s._project(z) for s in self.structures] structures = [s for ss in list_of_list for s in ss] return structures @cached_property def m_full(self): return _create_full_material_array( mesh=self.mesh, structures=self.structures_2d, materials=self.materials, ) def _visualize(self, ax=None, cbar=True, show=True): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fmt: skip from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, to_rgba # fmt: skip from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable # fmt: skip colors = [(0, 0, 0, 0)] + [ to_rgba(m.meta.get("color", (0, 0, 0, 0))) for m in self.materials ] cmap = ListedColormap(colors=colors) # type: ignore if ax is not None: else: ax = plt.gca() plt.pcolormesh( self.mesh.X_full, self.mesh.Y_full, self.m_full, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=len(self.materials) + 1, ) plt.axis("scaled") plt.grid(True) if cbar: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) _cbar = plt.colorbar( ticks=np.concatenate( [np.unique(self.m_full) + 0.5, [len(self.materials) + 1.5]] ), cax=cax, ) labels = [""] + [ for m in self.materials] + [""], rotation=90, va="center") if show:
[docs]def create_cells( structures: List[Structure3D], mesh: Union[Mesh2D, List[Mesh2D]], Ls: np.ndarray[Tuple[int], np.dtype[np.float_]], z_min: float = 0.0, ) -> List[Cell]: """easily create multiple `Cell` objects given a `Mesh` and a collection of cell lengths""" warnings.warn( "create_cells will be removed in a future version. Please create your cells in a loop instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) Ls = np.asarray(Ls, float) if Ls.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"Ls should be 1D. Got shape: {Ls.shape}.") if Ls.shape[0] < 0: raise ValueError(f"length of Ls array should be nonzero. Got: {Ls}.") meshes = [mesh] * Ls.shape[0] if isinstance(mesh, Mesh2D) else mesh if len(Ls) != len(meshes): raise ValueError( f"Number of meshes should correspond to number of lengths (length of Ls). Got {len(meshes)} != {len(Ls)}." ) z = np.cumsum(np.concatenate([np.asarray([z_min], float), Ls])) cells = [ Cell( structures=structures, mesh=mesh, z_min=z_min, z_max=z_max, ) for mesh, (z_min, z_max) in zip(meshes, zip(z[:-1], z[1:])) ] return cells
def _create_full_material_array( mesh: Mesh2D, structures: List[Structure2D], materials: Dict[Material, int], ): m_full = np.zeros_like(mesh.X_full, dtype=np.int_) structures_dict = _classify_structures_by_mesh_order_and_material( structures, materials ) for structures in structures_dict.values(): _m_full = _create_material_array(mesh, materials, structures) mask = _m_full > 0 m_full[mask] = _m_full[mask] m_full = _fill_single_pixel_gaps(m_full) return m_full.view(_array) def _create_material_array( mesh: Mesh2D, materials: Dict[Material, int], structures: List[Structure2D], ) -> np.ndarray: m_full = np.zeros_like(mesh.X_full, dtype=np.int_) for structure in structures: mask = structure.geometry._mask(mesh.X_full, mesh.Y_full) m_full[mask] = materials[structure.material] if mesh.ez_interfaces: mask_ez_horizontal = np.zeros_like(m_full, dtype=bool) mask_ez_horizontal[:, ::2] = True mask_ez_vertical = np.zeros_like(m_full, dtype=bool) mask_ez_vertical[::2, :] = True mask_boundaries_vertical = _get_boundary_mask_vertical(m_full) mask_boundaries_vertical = mask_boundaries_vertical & (~mask_ez_vertical) mask_boundaries_horizontal = _get_boundary_mask_horizontal(m_full) mask_boundaries_horizontal = mask_boundaries_horizontal & (~mask_ez_horizontal) mask_temp = mask_boundaries_vertical | mask_boundaries_horizontal mask_corner_left = _fill_corner_left_mask(mask_temp) mask_corner_right = _fill_corner_right_mask(mask_temp) mask_to_remove = mask_temp | mask_corner_left | mask_corner_right mask_to_keep = (m_full > 0) & (~mask_to_remove) mask_ez = np.zeros_like(m_full, dtype=bool) mask_ez[::2, ::2] = True final_mask_to_keep = mask_to_keep & mask_ez mask_ex = np.zeros_like(m_full, dtype=bool) mask_ex[1::2, ::2] = True final_mask_to_keep |= mask_to_keep & mask_ex mask_ey = np.zeros_like(m_full, dtype=bool) mask_ey[::2, 1::2] = True final_mask_to_keep |= mask_to_keep & mask_ey mask_hz = np.zeros_like(m_full, dtype=bool) mask_hz[1::2, 1::2] = True final_mask_to_keep |= mask_to_keep & mask_hz m_full[~final_mask_to_keep] = 0 return m_full def _fill_corner_left_mask(mask): return ( convolve(np.asarray(mask, dtype=float), np.array([[-1.0, +1.0], [+1.0, -1.0]])) > 1.0 ) # type: ignore def _fill_corner_right_mask(mask): return ( convolve( np.asarray(mask, dtype=float), np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [+1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, +1.0]]), ) > 1 ) # type: ignore def _get_boundary_mask_horizontal(m_full, negate=False): mask = np.zeros((m_full.shape[0] + 2, m_full.shape[1] + 2), dtype=bool) mask[1:-1, 1:-1] = m_full > 0 if negate: mask = ~mask f = np.ndarray[Tuple[int, int], np.dtype[np.float_]] conv1 = cast(f, convolve(np.array(mask[:, :], dtype=int), np.array([[-1, 1]]))) conv2 = cast(f, convolve(np.array(mask[:, ::-1], dtype=int), np.array([[-1, 1]]))) conv3 = cast(f, convolve(np.array(mask[::-1, :], dtype=int), np.array([[-1, 1]]))) mask1 = (conv1 > 0.0)[:, :] mask2 = (conv2 > 0.0)[:, ::-1] mask3 = (conv3 > 0.0)[::-1, :] mask = (mask1 | mask2 | mask3)[1:-1, 1:-1] # don't mask edge of simulation area: mask[:, 0] = mask[:, -1] = False return mask def _get_boundary_mask_vertical(m_full, negate=False): return _get_boundary_mask_horizontal(m_full.T, negate=negate).T def _fill_single_pixel_gaps(m_full): mat_x = np.maximum( np.roll(m_full, shift=1, axis=0), np.roll(m_full, shift=-1, axis=0), ) mat_y = np.maximum( np.roll(m_full, shift=1, axis=1), np.roll(m_full, shift=-1, axis=1), ) mat = mat_x | mat_y mask = m_full > 0 mask_x = np.roll(mask, shift=1, axis=0) & (~mask) & np.roll(mask, shift=-1, axis=0) mask_y = np.roll(mask, shift=1, axis=1) & (~mask) & np.roll(mask, shift=-1, axis=1) mask = mask_x | mask_y mask[:1, :] = False mask[-1:, :] = False mask[:, :1] = False mask[:, -1:] = False m_full[mask] = mat[mask] return m_full