My personal KLayout wrappers and utility functions


Consider this project archived as I don't have time to maintain it. Feel free to use whatever you deem useful in your own klayout-based projects.


git clone
cd flayout
conda env update # create conda environment 'fl' with klayout (python library) and klayout-gui (GUI)
pip install -e .

It would be cool if a salt package for this library would exist.

Note that this package might not work on Windwos... I never took the time to test it there...

Easy PCells

This library offers a klayout PCell decorator, which is much easier to use than the default PCell offered by the KLayout api. Moreover, the PCell decorator can be with a GDSFactory component function (or any function that produces a gdspy cell) as well!

Use with KLayout

First install flayout as a system python package:

cd /path/to/flayout
pip install --user .

Alternatively, you can also open the klayout gui from within the fl python environment (linux only)

Then within klayout add a simple macro to import the flayout example library

from flayout.example_lib import *

Note that running this macro takes a while in KLayout (about 10 seconds).

After running the macro, open a new gdsfile and find the Flayout PCells in the "F.E.L - Flayout Example Library", which supplies two gdsfactory-defined components: the mzi and euler bend. These components are now imported as PCells!


You can have a look at how the example library is implemented and try something similar for yourself!

Quick Docs


This project was created using nbdev1. An awesome literate programming environment for python.


As this library can be considered a light wrapper for the KLayout python api, I chose license it under GPLv3.